The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64938   Message #1068307
Posted By: Geoff the Duck
09-Dec-03 - 05:39 AM
Thread Name: MUDCAT Christmas Tavern 2003
Subject: RE: BS: MUDCAT Christmas Tavern 2003
The Duck waddles up to the bar, gets a bottle of Young's Christmas Ale, and shuffles off close to the fire, fluffing his feathers out to dry them...
He eyes the Jacuzzi suspiciously, not at all happy about the prospect of Giant Squid, but reckons that there are tastier morsels for it than a bedraggled duck.
Soon he settles back into a reverie, dreaming of his script for "Macbeth the Pantomime". Every now and then we hear mutterings such as "Is this a dagger I see before me? OH NO IT ISN'T..." or "Tell me children - if you see Birnam Wood move, just shout out It's Moving..."