The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65090   Message #1069466
Posted By: MikeofNorthumbria
10-Dec-03 - 11:59 AM
Thread Name: The Four Queens of Folk - their legacy?
Subject: RE: The Four Queens of Folk - their legacy?
Carolyn Hester: some historical notes.

I heard Carolyn perform live in London in the early 1960s and was knocked out by her voice, and her ability to dramatise a song. Later I acquired a copy of her album with Dylan on harmonica, and enjoyed that too. I still play it occasionally, and although some of the arrangements now sound dated, it continues to give me pleasure.

In recent years I've heard her singing occasionally on UK radio , and she still seems to do a very competent job. (Though if she has made any records recently, they don't show up in the stores I visit.)

As regards her influence on the folk movement - well, I understand that Carolyn has given useful help and encouragement to younger singers (including, I believe, Nancy Griffith) which should earn her some credit.

Lifetime achievement? Maybe not as ample a CV as Baez, Collins, St Marie or Mitchell, but how many of us Catters can claim to have achieved anywhere near as much?
