The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65102   Message #1069668
Posted By: Dave Wynn
10-Dec-03 - 05:01 PM
Thread Name: Is it really Folk?
Subject: RE: Is it really Folk?
Anyone got any provenance as to when the term "Folk" was first applied to song or music (or dance).

Without any proof I would suggest that it was in the 20th century (1920's to 1950's perhaps) as I don't believe that the use of such pigeonholes would have been prevalent earlier.

From the initial use and take up in the nomenclature of Britain and USA it seems to have gained a notoriety that always tends to spin it down rather than up. As I love the genre I always find this difficult to understand but accept the fact that it is so.

Recently popular media has coined the terms "acoustic music" , "Un-plugged" and "roots" none of which sit easily with me. I have tried to think of another generic name that would cover the scene (as I know it) and always fail miserably.

Is there anyone out there that has in depth knowledge of other countries use of the generic term "Folk" and does it receive the same press as in the UK.

No way would I try and define what is or isn't "folk" as I have heard and played many songs and tunes that I would consider fit smoothly into the generic name yet the original artist would probably have a negative response to his or her song being labelled in such a way.

Phew.....I don't usually get so serious or involved. Reality is just a lack of alcohol it seems.
