The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65102 Message #1069924
Posted By: Bill D
10-Dec-03 - 11:16 PM
Thread Name: Is it really Folk?
Subject: RE: Is it really Folk?
wow, Martin...I don't think we can talk. "I don't understand how someone can have a problem with the commercial music industry and yet bang away on a computer made for the commercial computer industry."...huh? What in the world is THAT supposed to mean?. What does the attitude of the music industry have to do with computer use? Computers and the music industry are not comparable in this discussion...
and I never implied all store managers are lazy...'lazy' is merely one reason a manager might not bother to be careful about categories. The ones I have seen who DID 'know something about music' tended to do categories pretty well! You are obscuring the point by picking at my words.
but you really amaze me by being able to categorize ME as a snob by my use of *tsk* Perhaps 'snob' means having an opinion different from yours, hmmm?...what do you make of my use of 'balderdash' to characterize your argument?