The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65126   Message #1070198
Posted By: Rapparee
11-Dec-03 - 09:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: ! (The thread for the threadless.)
Subject: RE: BS: ! (The thread for the threadless.)
Whilst I do sing, brucie, and quite well of course (we all do well whatever it is we do, even if we do nothing, don't we?) my instrument of musical destruction is the majestic, magnificent, trumpet. What other instrument has so heralded royalty, led brave men into battles for freedom, truh, justice, and the (fill in the blank with the nationality of your choice) way?

As for the code...good gosh almighty goll dang shucks, do I have to do EVERYTHING around here? Create the message, create the code, and then decrypt everything as well?
