The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65090   Message #1070382
Posted By: GUEST,Tunesmith
11-Dec-03 - 01:54 PM
Thread Name: The Four Queens of Folk - their legacy?
Subject: RE: The Four Queens of Folk - their legacy?
Someone has lost the plot here! There was a time when the press referred to Baez, Hester, Collins and St.Marie as the "The Four Queens of Folk". And there was a very good reason for this! Take for example Carolyn Hester's influence on the 60s British folk scene. The songs featured on her CBS album ( the Dylan one) were heard all over the folk scene in Britain. Her tv appearance caused a sensation. She could sing the big ballads, the blues, show tunes ( even today, her version of Summertime is amazing ), protest stuff - Dylan, Spoestra, Paxton etc.She sang beautiful songs in Spanish. She was amazing. I know - just by watching how Jacqui McShee holds herself that her was greatly influenced by Carolyn, and Pentangle " borrowed" a number of songs from Carolyn's repetoire. I've no doubt that Carolyn is one of the giants of the folk revival.