The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22283   Message #1070486
Posted By: GUEST,ClaireBear
11-Dec-03 - 04:23 PM
Thread Name: Origins: The Days of Forty Nine
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Days of Forty Nine
Hmm. Interesting question. In the written-out lyrics no chorus is mentioned. In the music, a "chorus" is indeed present and it is the lyrics you cite, but then that IS the last two lines of the first verse, which is of course the verse written in under the music. The tune for this "chorus" is identical to the last two lines of the verse as well.

I'd think it would be safe to infer from what's there that you repeat the last two lines of each verse, even though it doesn't exactly *say* that.

Yes, here I sit in sunny San Jose, envying my brother in his bucolic Placerville diggins. And you in Colfax, for that matter! Oh, for some trees...

(Actually I live in an extremely rural part of Scotts Valley, where there are LOTS of trees. It just seems as though I never see them during the daylight hours.)
