The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65117   Message #1070722
Posted By: GUEST,Murray on Saltspring
11-Dec-03 - 11:35 PM
Thread Name: Doon the Moor
Subject: RE: Doon the Moor
As for Abby's question 21/2, here's the text of the "Craigs o Kyle" song which people may be curious about.


1.        I was comin' thro' the Craigs o' Kyle,

           Among the bonnie, blooming heather,

        'Twas there I met a bonnie lass

           Smuggling whisky in a blether.

       Chorus—O'er the muirs among the heather,

                   O'er the muirs among the heather,

                'Twas there I met a bonnie lass

                   Smugglin' whisky in a blether.

2.        Says I, my lass whaur is your Stell,

           O'er hill or dale? come, tell me whither.

        My Stell it is between my thighs,

           And it's covered ower wi' blooming heather.


3.        I laid her doon among the broom

           Upon a bunch o' blooming heather,

        I clapped my worm in her stell,

           And she drank the drink we brewed the gither.


4.        And as she lay she sung a sang

           Till the echoes rang a mile and farther,

        But aye the outcome o' her sang

           Was shove it in a wee bit further.


5.        She's grewn awfu' stoot since syne,

           Her apron strings scarce meet the gither,

        She's grewn thicker roon' the wame

           Since she cuddled me among the heather.


6.        Her mither says she's lain wrang

           Wi' some young man among the heather,

        But her faither says she's got a stang,

           And it's affected a' the lassie's blether.


7.        I've wandered far and near since syne,

           And met wi' lassies braw and clever,

        But a lass like her I never saw

           That cuddled me among the heather.


8.        Before I finish up my sang

           Let's drink a bumper a' the gither,

        For there's naething wrang wi' a guid Scotch dram

           Or a bonnie lass among the heather.



From Merry Muses c. 1900 (Murison Coll., Dunfermline), pp. 101-2; never since reprinted. Tune is of course "O'er the muir amang the heather", of which song this is an erotic parody (see note to "Act Sederunt o' the Session"). The parody is quite close, and hence more satiric. This item is the only new one in the c. 1900 volume, probably added (as Legman suggests, MMC 65 p. 287)   
by the printer. In 4.3, outcome should be owrecome, i.e. "burden" (as in the original). Chorus will repeat, as does the original, the last 2 lines of the preceding stanza. Stell = "still"; the metaphoric "worm" is a spiral or coiled tube connected with the head of the still, in which the vapour is condensed. There are echoes of other songs in this, e.g. cf. 6.1 with "Ye Hae Lien Wrang, Lassie"; 6.3, the same, last line.
As you may gather, Burns has nothing to do with this, as far as we can tell.