The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65150   Message #1070972
Posted By: Wesley S
12-Dec-03 - 11:53 AM
Thread Name: Chords: Just A Little While To Stay Here (Muldaur)
Subject: RE: Chords: Just A Little While To Stay Here (Muldaur)
Jeepman - there is a videotape from Homespun tapes that has a lesson from Geoff on how to play that song. I can tell you he has his low E string tuned down to D. And he modulates back and forth between D major and D minor at the start of the tune. It's tricky to figure out. I suggest you get the tape. Several other good tunes also like Ox Blood Moan. It's worth every penny.

Where did you hear the song ? On "Beautiful Isle Of Somewhere" ? For the record I'm very interested in finding a copy of "Poor Man Blues" by Geoff - it was released back in the 60's. I've had no luck ordering it.