The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65086   Message #1071155
Posted By: GUEST,Ken's OK
12-Dec-03 - 04:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Livingstone booed at Trafalgar Square
Subject: RE: BS: Livingstone booed at Trafalgar Square
English patriot.......Keep your barnet fair on.
I never said I felt superior to anybody, surely that's your department? I said I was proud of being a Londoner. Two completely different things.

Our friends obviously differ too.......the majority of mine are like myself, first generation here.Whether their parents hail from Italy, Greece,Poland, Carribean etc etc etc. They too feel connected to their parents roots,for the following reasons maybe, we were brought up celebrating St. Patrick's Day, perhaps because our parents were far from home, it was important for them to impart their history to us, which they did, maybe it helped them retain their identity.

I, like many others, sat and cringed at the openly racist jokes,mainly targeting the Irish and Blacks, told with great gusto by "the English"....bigots being intellectually challenged are often unable to differentiate between being white, and being English.......aahhhh bless them, they assume they are in safe company if all the faces are the same colour.Of course they would temper their patter if anyone slightly tanned enetered the room.

I think Ken embraces all cultures, and puts equal importance on them all too.....London is thankfully multi cultural and is blessed by it's rich diversity, however that can often leave the bigot feeling threatened. They fail to see why their englishness does not place them on some red, white and blue pedestal....they hanker after the good old days, when the only takeaway sold fish and chips, and the pubs were still able to put signs in the windows stating, " No Irish or Black". How very welcoming.

Having worked extensively in many European countries, I can also confirm that if there is a drunken twat, either urinating in someones garden or vomiting on the pavement, he invariably has a pair of silky union jack shorts still unpacked in his suitcase. Many English travel companies have a member of staff in each resort, who's sole job is to try and interpret for the inebriated Brit, who has woken up in a foreign cell, unable to remember why they are there? No other Euroopean company had even trained their staff for this it was not a problem amongst their clients.

These are just some of the reasons why I am not proud to be English.
Note..I have not even started on the football fans, how very proud you must be to have them representing your country abroad.