The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65189   Message #1071587
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
13-Dec-03 - 12:47 PM
Thread Name: Good Songs You're Sick Of
Subject: Good Songs You're Sick Of
Speaking of Kumbaya (which I'm not really sick of, exactly,) what good songs are you sick to death of. (Not stupid ones like Jingle Bell Rock.)

For starters, how about Come Together, by the Youngbloods? When I bought the album and heard it, I thought it was a great, great song.
It ended up being one of the most ubiquitous songs of the 60's, and I reached a point where I felt like screaming and running out of the room when I heard it. It's still a good song. I just don't want to hear it again in this century.

For folk songs, I could easily do without Water Boy "Huhhh!" with phony work grunts for another century, too.

What are your un-favorite good songs? Good ones, now... no cheating..
