The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65225   Message #1072307
Posted By: GUEST,An English Patriot
14-Dec-03 - 05:42 PM
Thread Name: Review: Mudcat visitors' album collections
Subject: Review: Mudcat visitors' album collections
When ever I go and visit someone's house, I have a good look at their music collection. It can tell you so much about a person. Anyone who bought the recent Mojo special on the Stones would have read an article of Keith Richards where it discribes his 2500 records, which included Blind Willie McTell, Kraftwerk, Stevie Wonder, George Benson, The Gladiators, Gregory Isaacs, and Robert Johnson, amongst others. I would love to know what people like Dylan, Nic Jones, and Dick Gaughan have in their record collection.

I don't know how many I have: about 500 albums and 350 cds and 250 singles, I think. A lot of rock: Who, Kinks, Stones, Fab Four, Bowie, punk, Focus, Dylan, Byrds, Band ; blues from Charlie Patton to Howling Wolf; folk from Bob Davenport to Nic Jones; lots of soul; jazz: Mingus, 'trane, Gil Evans, Monk; the great american songbook as sung by Bing and Frank, and lots of other things.

So if I was to wander into your house, what sort of album collection would I find?