The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65215   Message #1072468
Posted By: bbc
14-Dec-03 - 08:17 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Profiles
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
ok, folks, my son suggested them when we started the member pages. It was a way to put up more information, conveniently, if people wanted to. I remember encouraging some of our members who made their living from the music to put up a profile to get more visibility, link to their websites, get bookings, etc. That's not the only reason, though. Some people just like to share more of themselves than others. All of the parts of the member pages were intended to help people get to know each other & stay in touch. Originally, they were on a different website than the Mudcat server, so that if it went down, we'd still have those resources. Times change. If any part is not needed, it can be eliminated or not added to. However, if you *do* have information up--profile or email--it would be nice to make sure it's current.

