The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15390   Message #1072489
Posted By: Charley Noble
14-Dec-03 - 08:39 PM
Thread Name: A. L. Lloyd: History and anecdotes?
Subject: RE: A.L. Lloyd:History and anecdotes?
Here's the link to the "Origins of Pity The Downtrodden Landlord" thread that I started as "Landlady's Daughter" years ago. Clive Woolf could be a promising lead if Countess Richard would PM an e-mail address. This is one major mystery which hasn't been cracked yet!

Here's a hot link to the old thread:Origins of Pity the Downtrodden Landlord

I must recently heard this song at a music jam in Sydney, Australia, at John and Jenny's house. Nice BBQ!

Charley Noble, aka Landlady's Daughter