The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65218 Message #1073074
Posted By: GUEST,Gene Burton
15-Dec-03 - 02:13 PM
Thread Name: Folk clubs etc. in Cardiff area
Subject: RE: Folk clubs etc. in Cardiff area
Mant thanks to people who've posted so far, particularly Splott Man and Ella- you seem to have covered the folk club side pretty well between you:) I had a look at the Taplas site for general club/session listings, but they didn't seem to want to divulge anything unless I actually subscribed! Never mind, I'll pick up a copy ASAP as soon as I'm there. Anyway, I'm a singer, songwriter and folk guitarist in my early twenties who's also into Trad., so I kind of straddle both sides of the traditional/"contemporary" divide. Looking forward to fully acquainting myself with what looks like a very good music scene you have up there, anyway...that is of course if I manage to find a place to stay there without any trouble. Bit of thread creep, this, but does anyone know what's a good place/publication/shop window to look in for a cheap bedsit in Cardiff? Thanks again, Gene.