The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65086   Message #1073302
Posted By: GUEST,An English Patriot
16-Dec-03 - 02:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Livingstone booed at Trafalgar Square
Subject: RE: BS: Livingstone booed at Trafalgar Square
Ken's ok, it never ceases to amaze me that people like you just love to celebrate racial diversity and look down on racism, and yet you would deny the English the right to celebrate their racial origin and look down upon them (us!) as nothing more than a bunch of foul mouthed, lager swilling louts. I wonder how you would feel if I made a similiar dismissive remark about the Irish being thick, the Jews being mean, or blacks being muggers? Afterall, my mother is English: is she a yob? In your eyes she obviously is.

I am not arguing for special treatment for the indiginious people of England. There should be equality before the law for everyone. No-one is arguing against that. However, if people are being encouraged to celebrate their racial identity, their background, and culture, why should the English not do the same. This is, afterall, their country. Why should they sit back and allow themselves to be sidelined like this. And anyway, just out of curiosity, how long does it take for someone to become a part of the country that their ancestors freely chose to move to? You say you are London Irish (whatever the hell that means!) Will your children feel that way, or your grandchildren, or your great grandchildren? In other words, when are you going to stop being snooty about the indiginious population and consider yourself to be a part of them? If I went to live in France, I would never be a frenchman; but my children would be. I would not show the utter rudeness, the complete discourtesy, of encouraging my children to think of themselves as being above the local people. That is the price of immigration. You assimilate into the local population. I would do it. I expect the same from others.

This is why I think you should relocate. You don't like us. You consider yourself to be better than us. This obviously is not the country for you. Please, in the name of God, just go.