The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13139   Message #107338
Posted By: DonMeixner
21-Aug-99 - 11:46 PM
Thread Name: any groups for melodic open-back banjo
Subject: RE: any groups for melodic open-back banjo

I think Barney McKenna is more of a plectrum man than he is a picker. He is still damn fine. I got the notion that Rick is looking for a 3 finger style for Bonnie.

Paul Cadwell was a classical banjo stylist. I don't know of any recordings but there must be some out there. I also like Buel Kazee but he was a drop thumber. Uncle Dave Macon played a knockdown style that is neither fish nor fowl, sort of the platypus of banjo styles. Howard Bursen is my favorite open back 5 string man but he is still a frailer.

I'd aim her in the direction of George Grove of the Kingston Trio, session guys like Dick Rosmini, Billy Faier or maybe best of all. The style that Doc Watson plays.
