The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60568   Message #1074062
Posted By: Naemanson
16-Dec-03 - 06:30 PM
Thread Name: News From Guam
Subject: RE: News From Guam
Now it gets scary! I just heard yesterday that I have been tapped to be the team leader for the BOS contract.

The Base Operating Support Contract (BOSC) provides all the required services that keep the base operating. This include maintenance of facilities and provision of utilities. All the little things that makes a big facility like a military base work is handled through the BOSC from trash disposal to line handlers for ships, maintenance and disposition of housing units to psychological counseling for sailors and their families. It's all bound up in one contract and now I have to run it with a team of experts. It's worth about $68,000,000 a year. As I say, scary.

Before you congratulate me you should know two things. One, there is no promotion, no more money and no additional perks. Two, I was not the first choice. The first choice refused the job.

But it will be mine and I will need to set things up to handle the new workload. I only hope I'm up to it.

On the plus side, Return Of The King opened here last night at 12:01 AM. If I had wanted to stay up for it I could have been among the first Americans to see it. As it is I may take the afternoon off to go see it. I will still be seeing it before my daughters and my nephew and that's good enough for me. So here's a raspberry at Tenjiro.

And, in the ancient tradition of our family here is a Christmas message to both of my daughters: Nyaah, Nyaah, Nyaah, Nyaah, Nyaah, Nyaah! I know something you don't know!