The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65215   Message #1074546
Posted By: treewind
17-Dec-03 - 11:13 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Profiles
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
It's the extra hassle of getting someone else to update it that's been the small psychological barrier to me putting up a profile so far. Especially updating it. I sometimes go though frenetic phases of "tinkering" with my web site, often for quite minor cosmetic reasons, and I'd hate to have to waste some worthy and overworked Mudcat maintainer's time just for my vanity :-)

As for overlarge images or anything else unacceptable in user-driven updates, surely the answer is for Pene (or whoever it is) to be alerted automatically when a profile or image is updated so they can do a quick check. These facilities are members-only so abuse is controllable.

Maybe I'll just send in a profile with a link to my web site...
