The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65215   Message #1074914
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
17-Dec-03 - 07:25 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Profiles
Subject: RE: Mudcat Profiles
On a technical line - downloading lots of piccies - even thumbnails - would just cause me to turn off graphics loads on web pages. On a dial up - which has to go across the ocean anyway - often the download speed nearly kills Mudcat for me as it is.

I'm even annoyed with the fact that each web page contains hundreds, even thousands of padding "blank lines and spaces" and lots of wasted space - but that's the way the pages are served ... If I save the page and edit it I can often "sqeeeze" it by a considerable percentage... but that's all off the discussion topic and one of my personal HTML bugbears...

I recently PM'ed to put up my birthday - not year - and am getting something else together - but want to think about it so as not to keep bothering teh workers, and have something reasonably explanatory, without rabbiting on too much.
