The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65086   Message #1075571
Posted By: GUEST,An English Patriot
18-Dec-03 - 02:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Livingstone booed at Trafalgar Square
Subject: RE: BS: Livingstone booed at Trafalgar Square
Alistair Sim not English? I didn't know that. Next you will be telling me that Ronnie Corbett isn't English. Point taken though, Jim; however, I was thinking of the Englishness, if you will, of 'Passport to Pimlico' rather than of all the nationalities of the people who made it. 'Trainspotting' is a great Scottish film even though it was not just Scots who were involved in it; unlike 'Braveheart' which is pure Hollywood, and therefore American. As for the Brontes, well, even their name suggests that their blood might be less than pure Anglo-Saxon. This, however, just proves what I have been arguing all through this thread. You are whom you are because of where you are born. If the Brontes had been born in Ireland and had written about the landscape of Ireland with such passion, they would be considered great Irish writers, even if their father had been English. I have not been arguing for racial purity here, just loyalty to the country into which one is born. I am afraid I am woefully ignorant of Behan, although I know he was involved with the folk scene, wrote plays and the autobiography 'Borstal Boy.' So no, I do not know the song. As for warm beer and cricket.....please; although I am the only Englishman I have ever met who actually likes Morris Dancing.

A M, sorry if I misunderstood you.

Ken's ok, you may not have said that the English should not be able to celebrate their national identity, but you were dismissive of them as a people -drunken louts, etc. - and so were suggesting that they had nothing to celebrate, unlike the other ethnic groups in London who, according to you, make London a good place to live in. You then referred to yourself, rather ridiculously in my view, as London Irish, rather than English, even though England is the country into which you were born and which gave you all her benefits. This, I must admit, pissed me off a fair bit. I'm not asking you to get on your knees four times a day and kiss the soil of England, but a bit of gratitude would not go amiss.

By the way, what makes you think that you are in a higher tax bracket then Taxpayer, and if you are, so what?