The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12924   Message #107592
Posted By: Susan A-R
22-Aug-99 - 10:35 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Stone Soup
Subject: RE: Stone Soup Origins
Hmmm, here are the lyrics as I remember them.

Story begins with a poor little town
With a couple of soldiers hanging around
Tired and hungry, going door to door
Begging for food. they say "we got no more."
So they built a little fire in the middle of the square
Got a pot full of water, and a rock right there
Sat back, rolling up a couple of cigarettes
Looking like they hadn't a care (2x)

Now the street was quiet in the afternoon,
'cept for one of the soldiers was a humming a tune
But from every window, underneath the drape
There was an eyeball peeping and a mouth agape
And a chorus of whispers rising up in the air
"say whatcha think the're cooking in the middle of the square?
Somebody maybe ought to help them out
They might be willing to share (2x)

"It was your idea, why don't you go scout?"
"You're tha man of the nouse, now go find out."
Finally a kid pipes up from the stoop
"Say what you fellows cooking?" and they say "Stone soup."
"Stone soup, we've never heard of that. Tell us where'd you get the recipe at"
They say "Trust us, it's great, and there's plenty for you,
But we sure could use a potato or two"

Now the kid pipes up "We've got spuds in the bin."
"Bring em out, bring em out and you guys are in."
"How 'bout some onions" comes a voice down the street.
"Bring em out, bring em out and there'll be plenty to eat."
One had a bottle and an old guitar,

Now some people really didn't have any food,
But one of them had a load of firewood.
And the soup was good and the wine was strong
And everybody learned the soldier's song
And they partied all night in the middle of the square
til the sun came rising up

There's more, but that's about all I have in my memory banks.
