The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64907   Message #1076016
Posted By: greg stephens
19-Dec-03 - 06:42 AM
Thread Name: That rarity, an Alphabet Quiz!
Subject: RE: That rarity, an Alphabet Quiz!
This X needs solving, it's getting irritating.It refers to wages. When IanC runs out of xebecs and xylophones, he either goes for words starting ex, or for Roman numerals, so ten is a possibility. Low wages suggest ten pence or ten shillings or ten bob.Ten pence is not of much signicance in pre-decimal trad folksong days(though there is a Tenpenny Bit jig): so ten bob or ten shillings? And what Queen? A generic serving the Queen, taking the Queen's shilling, or something more specific? The only serious active queens in folksong(if we're sticking to Britain) would be Victoria, Anne. Jane, hearts I ssuppose. No tens or Xs there.
Sorry, I'm no nearer an answer here, I'm just rambling in the hope it will set someone else's juices flowing.