The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65334   Message #1076306
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
19-Dec-03 - 01:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Capital Punishment?
Subject: RE: BS: Capital Punishment?
Sorry of I offended you ddw. Perhaps my use of blind predjudice could be construed as an insult but I can assure you that the intention was in no way offensive. However...

You have not adressed the point in question. Ie - Just who's justice system do we use? You ask why the Taliban justice system is not as good as 'ours'. Who says it isn't? Who are you to infict your interpretation of a judiciary on someone from a different religion, culture and country to you? In fact, to someone who believes in capital punisment, their system has a lot going for it!

As to the point about technological advances over mine. Sorry. Don't understand. Am I supposed to be insulted that I have not developed like the atomic bomb and chemical warfare?

I must say though that you do make uo for it by finaly admitting that my aruguments are better than yours.

Since you're obviously such a morally and intelledctually superior being. Surely you were not being ironic or even, heaven fordid, sarcastic were you? I cannot imagine anyone resorting to such tactics within a sensible argument.

And always remember that all an eye for an eye ever led to was a lot of blind people:-)
