The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65331   Message #1076409
Posted By: The Walrus
19-Dec-03 - 04:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Has America ever won a war?
Subject: RE: BS: Has America ever won a war?
Re:- War of 1812 & Impressment of American seamen.

The problem with the pressing of American seamen came from the American attitude that anyone on American soil (or an American deck) could declare themselves 'American', making American ships a haven for RN deserters and those British sailors seeking to avoid impressment (a risk run by all British merchant seamen except those on Indiamen) - as there was no easy way to tell to tell many Americans from British (and as the British government didn't recognise any change in citizenship) many unscrupulous captains saw American ships as 'fair game'.
As for the outcome of the war, the invasions of Canada failed (as did the counter-invasions of the USA), the treaty left the situation as Status Quo Ante and, as by this time the need for a large 'Fleet in Being' or blockade had been removed, the situation was totally disarmed; Thus, I would say that the War of 1812 was a draw at best, except for the dead and disposessed, who, as with every other war, lost.
