The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65334   Message #1076414
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
19-Dec-03 - 04:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Capital Punishment?
Subject: RE: BS: Capital Punishment?
Thanks David - Although I still do not agree we have at least brought the argument back to civlity. A touch of humour can often do that. I will remember But far be it from me to introduce sarcasm into such a learned discussion.... with fondness:-)

It is extremely pleasant to find that such important arguments can rage between protagonists without leading to extremities. I will be happy to continue my case now.

A society does indeed have the right to lay down it's own laws. The laws of this land (The UK if you had not gathered - where are you btw?) say that the death sentence is not allowed. The whole argument about whether the death sentence is appropriate is therefore invalid and purely academic!

Surely you cannot argue that the areas that do have the death sentence, Texas for instance, have the right to impose their views on us?

The only argument therefore is whether the death sentence shoud be re-introduced in the UK. It is here that I am afraid that I realy must take the moral high ground. It will never happen. The majority of people are opposed to it. We are a democratic society so if the majority were in favour we would elect someone who supported the death sentence. Wouldn't we? Or am I being naive in thinking that democracy works like that?
