The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65334   Message #1076676
Posted By: GUEST,Pict
20-Dec-03 - 01:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Capital Punishment?
Subject: RE: BS: Capital Punishment?
As I see it if you don't believe in redemption you believe in exemption.I believe that if a society can offer as many roads as possible to redemption,even for the most vile people,the possibility of positive interaction with others would be a powerful incentive for rehabilitation the option is punishment and permanent exclusion that doesn't seem to be very effective.

The 3 strikes and you're out rule that exists in at least one state in the US is outrageous in my opinion,there are people serving life for shoplifting 3 times and that kind of severity is born from a mindset that sees severe punishment as the best solution.Well no thanks I don't want to live in that kind of a society and I don't want anyone else to have to live in that kind of a society.

The governments we have now are essentially penal in their outlook they disenfranchise those who commit offences against their society,even after a period of incarceration these people are excluded from many fields of employment in effect they are given the mark of Cain.I believe that the truly dangerous individuals should be kept in secure mental institutions and given treatment for their conditions with an emphasis to cure and rehabilitation if at all possible and if that is impossible they should be provided with the best lives possible under the circumstances.A society that behaved in this way would have nothing on its conscience.

If you are denied the right to harmony with others then you are condemned to a life of surreptition,dissent,and strife against the society you are forced to be part of but kept apart from.

I believe that empathy is something that society should cultivate.