The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65334   Message #1076787
Posted By: Bobert
20-Dec-03 - 09:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Capital Punishment?
Subject: RE: BS: Capital Punishment?
Two Bears:

While I am in agreement with you on you observations of many *supposed" Christians, you don't speak for all. Yes, many are do worship the religion about Jesus but many of us worship the religion *of* Jesus. I consider myself to fall in that latter category, and know many others, including mnay folks here, who have also made it into the New Testament.

"Render onto Ceasar" is not about lethal injections. It's about sharing a portion of the fruits of one's labor with one's community...

There can be no "justice" in lethal injection of a killer on the soul of the one who has been killed. It's too late for restitution between these two people. Sure, it may bring some comfort level to the families but this is not justice. It's revenge.

The cornerstone of Christianty is forgiveness, not only from God, but between men. There's no fine print in Jesus's teachings. This does not mean to forget and that's where things like *life inprisionment* enters into the equation. I can forgive a murderer but that doesn't mean I want him or her to be free to do it again.

And, lastly, if the US is going to thump its chest as a Chrisian nation, it needs to purge many of the churches that have become nuthing more than right wing indoctrination centers. It needs to get its head out of the Old Testamant and start teaching the word and spirit of Jesus Christ and act as a Christian nation. If it would do that both domesticly and internationally it could indeed lead this world to a calmer and more *civil*ized place.

A good place to start would be for it to accept "sanctitiy of life" with no fine print.
