The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13211   Message #107686
Posted By: JedMarum
23-Aug-99 - 11:05 AM
Thread Name: 'Elite' Jams. Part Two.
Subject: RE: 'Elite' Jams. Part Two.
I have kept up with this original thread, and considered all the points of view, and the more I think about the concept 'elite jam' the more my blood boils!

While it is true there are times when it is most appropriate for players of similar and/or complimentary skill levels to meet and 'jam' - these sessions should never be represented in any way as 'open'. They are, almost by definintion, closed to invitation only attendees. And even then, these sessions are often, performances, rehearsals or auditions, albeit in an informal setting/s. They should not be confused with the open to public participation 'sessions' that seem to be popular with music enthusiasts worldwide.

The thread started with a story about a session leader excluding players of perceived 'lessor' skill. I think that session leader is a poor one, and that session will probably die a slow, quiet death - thereby resolving the leadership problem. Or, the others in the session will speak up and move the bum out!

Open sessions should be just that; open. As so many in this thread have pointed out, the most developed talent learns from all other levels, especially with music. I have seen in session after session, even the least developed talent has a reason to contribute!