The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65334   Message #1076941
Posted By: ddw
20-Dec-03 - 04:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Capital Punishment?
Subject: RE: BS: Capital Punishment?
DtG -- You'll have a hard time convincing me your view is either just or logical. By your "equal treatment" logic, a kid who takes candy from another kid and a bank robber should be treated equally or a worker who steals from his employer's petty cash drawer and an inside trader who skims millions are equally guilty and should be punished equally. Justice requires that all the circumstances be taken into account. That's why judges often require presentance reports, psychiatric reports, character witness and/or victim impact statements and only then apply the three principles of sentencing — deterrence,retribution and rehabilitation. When all the past history (either previous convictions or a pattern of heinous crimes) indicates there is no chance of rehabilitation, all that's left is deterrence and retribution. The death penalty may not -- some argue it absolutely does not -- provide any deterrence (that's to others, not the accused), then its only function is retribution. Which is still a worthwhile goal, in my opinion.

And I find that, because I have reasoned it out with myself, I am not very likely to be swayed either!
Should we be awed by such perfect reasoning....?

John Hardly — Eloquently stated. Unfortunately, Canada still doesn't see fit to honor it's electorate's wishes.

Frank — Yes, the death penalty is retribution, even revenge. I have no problem with that. It also keeps the felon from further harming society. Another plus, in my estimation. And yes, it might also be a form of suicide. If he wants that, let him have it, especially if he has taken innocent victims' lives as a means to his own end. There's a pretty widely recognized phenomenon called "suicide by cop" in which a person wants to die, but can't muster the courage or resolve to do it himself, so he forces a police officer to do it for him. Same thing.

Maybe you could enlighten me on this: "Recidivism has no meaning if the death penalty becomes a solution rather than a transforming experience for the killer." I have no idea what you're saying.....