The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65310   Message #1077235
Posted By: Clinton Hammond
21-Dec-03 - 12:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: LOTR ROTK - Just seen it. Brilliant!
Subject: RE: BS: LOTR ROTK - Just seen it. Brilliant!
Saw it last night, finally... and I have to admit... after 5+ years of following the development of these movies, I'm feeling a little.. umm... I guess maybe postpartum is the word.... I don't know what I'll do with myself now... especially online...

But that aside... the movie...

Well, I said it when I came out of Fellowship, and it was trebly true when I came out of Return... "Man oh man do I ever wish the book was half that good!" From start to finish, I was roped in... I was half way out of my seat with Theodin's "A sword day, a red day"... I bawled for love at Sam's "I may not be able to carry it, but I can carry you!" (If Sean Austin doesn't get Best Supporting Actor, I'll burn down Hollywood!) I've never felt so good as to hear Ian's "Gandalf Laugh" when frodo awakens in Minas Tirith...

I absolutely cannot wait to see the extended Ed... (So far the rumour is that it'll be 4 hours and 50 min long!) To watch it all as one long movie...

I'm having a tough time thinking of ANYTHING I didn't like in it....