The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65434   Message #1077950
Posted By: jimmyt
22-Dec-03 - 04:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: thanks for Canada and The United Kingdom
Subject: BS: thanks for Canada and The United Kingdo
I would like to start a thread to thank Canada and the United Kingdom for being our allies by and large for the last 100 odd years. Before someone starts throwing insults, barbs or complaints in this thread I would appreciate it if you would keep those comments limited to the large number of other possibilities out there in threadland. I am really tired of reading what people write about how rude, stupid, warmongering, moneygrubbing, Biblethumping, Or any any of the myriad of other insults about America that I have read in the last few months here.

I think Canada is a wonderful country. Have been there a number of times, will go back again as soon as it is possible. I love England, Scotland and Wales. Have travelled there ten or twelve times in the last decade. Positively delightful countries, people are great! Have I ever encountered a rude Canadian? Well........yes, I have on a couple occasions, but I don't let that affect my feelings toward the entire country.

What about a bitchy English person? One that is rude in a shop? a loud drunken soccer houligan? Yeah, sure all of those things. But, by and large, they are nations which I very much love and will return time after time. You see, I am not going to make a judgement about an entire people based on what little information I have that is negative.

It seems that we all share so very very much here in mudcat, that why don't we concentrate on what we agree on, what we have in common, what we can be positive about, rather than digging away at how we may be different. Maybe I am just sensitive, but it seems only good manners to not be insulting to your friends. I have a sister-in-law who is from Russia. I would never tell her things that would insult her or hurt her about her homeland.

Please comment if you have something positive to say about anything. It can be how much you like your cat, hell I don't care. Just keep your insulting rude comments about my country or anyone else's to your self. Better yet, why not concentrate on the positive for a change? rant over