The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13196   Message #107805
Posted By: Tiger
23-Aug-99 - 06:34 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Heaven's Radio
Subject: Lyr Add: HEAVEN'S RADIO (Carter Family)
Here it is from "Great Original Recordings by the Carter Family". Written by A.P., recorded in 1935 or '40, not sure.


HEAVEN'S RADIO- Carter Family

There's a wonderful invention that's called the radio,
You can hear it everywhere you chance to go,
But the static in the air sometimes makes it hard to hear,
But it is not so with Heaven's radio.

Daniel in the lion's den, with his prayers did surely win,
For my Precious Savior always listens in,
And I know without a doubt, honest prayers will bring you out,
For my Precious Savior always listens in.

Well, he set the Hebrews three, from the fiery furnace free.
Yes, my Precious Savior always listens in.
He will rescue today in that same old-fashioned way,
For my Precious Savior always listens in.