The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65393   Message #1078057
Posted By: JohnInKansas
22-Dec-03 - 07:35 PM
Thread Name: Can a MAC read .wav files?
Subject: RE: Can a MAC read .wav files?
The IRS and the USPS just offer a choice of "clickies" on a few pages. Click one, you get a web page, click the other you get a pdf.

It takes a little more page space, and of course server space for the separate versions; but it seems pretty straight forward.

I have to apologize again for the slang. The link above is not working, at least at the moment. A few extracts for the curious:

Shatner Moment: When a program has behaviour characterized by abnormally long pauses, alternated with rapid-fire delivery of some of what you typed—
when ........... your typ ........ ing comes ............... in ........ bursts, because ....... your email program .......... is ......... dying .................... .network ............... slow.....can't ................... contin ...... Example: "My e-mail (Real Player) is having a Shatner Moment."

Blamestorming: Sitting around in a group discussing why a deadline was missed or a project failed and who was responsible.

Crapplet: A badly written or profoundly useless applet. "I just wasted 30 minutes downloading this stinkin' crapplet!" like some pages discussed peripherally above?

Dancing Baloney: Little animated GIFs and other Web F/X that are useless and serve simply to impress clients. "This page is kinda dull. Maybe a little dancing baloney will help."

Dorito Syndrome: Feelings of emptiness and dissatisfaction triggered by addictive substances that lack nutritional content. "I just spent six hours surfing the Web, and now I've got a bad case of Dorito Syndrome." Or you've been to several sites and can't play any of their links?

Irritainment: Entertainment and media spectacles that are annoying, but you find yourself unable to stop watching them.

Ohnosecond: That minuscule fraction of time in which you realize that you've just made a big mistake. Like posting a non-working link?

Percussive Maintenance: The fine art of whacking the crap out of an electronic device to get it to work again.

Vulcan Nerve Pinch: The taxing hand position required to reach all of the appropriate keys for certain commands. For instance, the warm reboot for a Mac II computer involves simultaneously pressing the Control key, the Command key, the Return key, and the Power On key. No comment, this is a Mac thread?
