The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64876   Message #1078384
Posted By: ossonflags
23-Dec-03 - 08:54 AM
Thread Name: Punch The Horse Noel Thread
Subject: RE: Punch The Horse Noel Thread
Well John,after all the previouse hick - ups we have finally done it !!!!! As the bow'ld Deanmeister said the day went very well even with that lethal of all combinations, the two virtuoso fiddle persons Oaklet and Niknak who seem to live for pleasure alone.The sound engineer was absolutly superb and understood completly what we wanted to create - me, Deany and Andy have worked with him before.We laid down all the tracks we set out to do and we are all very well pleased with the result.There is one track that needs revisiting and a little more work on the mixing.When will it be ready for consumption? With it being Xmas and that I think we are looking towards the end of January.