The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #621   Message #1079042
Posted By: breezy
24-Dec-03 - 04:47 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Anathea (from Judy Collins)
Subject: RE: Lyrics for Anathea stole a stallion
the 3rd Verse, 'Judge oh judge'

Is it at all possible that this verse is out of chronological order and ought to appear after she has gone to the judge?

I do think Dave Arthur would be interested in this thread.

I also think '!3 shelves of drugs wont ease his pain' has a more dramatic effect

start in an Am key

Am Lazlo..........................lion
F Stole him.......Am misty mount A major tains
F and they    ......   Am and they caught him
Am and G in F ir   Em on Dm chains they Am bound him

very dramatically and dynamic,like Toni, and wild hair