The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65485   Message #1079102
Posted By: Arnie
24-Dec-03 - 07:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Is there life on Mars?
Subject: BS: Is there life on Mars?
Well, we might know the answer very soon! With little fanfare, a British probe, the Beagle, is due to land on the Martian surface on Christmas Day and begin a series of experiments. It's certainly got the bookies worried as they've slashed the odds on some kind of life being discovered. I thought they might have called it the Beagle so mission control could announce 'The Beagle has landed' in parody of the moon landing - but apparently it's named after Darwin's research ship. One things for sure, if there is any life up there our big corporations will soon negotiate a cheap deal on their mineral rights......