The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13243   Message #107936
Posted By:
24-Aug-99 - 01:33 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Addiction
Subject: Mudcat Addiction
My 30 day plus hiatus from the Cat....tenon-jointed into this press clipping....gave a revelatiion

Those addicted take heed, the APA says you are SICK.

AP News - Monday August 23, 1999

Almost 6% of Internet Users Are Addicts, Study Finds

Almost 6% of Internet users suffer from some form addiction to it, according to the lagest study of Web Surfers ever conducted.

"Marriages are being disrupted. Kids are getting into trouble. People are committing illeage acts. People are spending too much money.

"Findings bolster the expanding acceptance of compulsive Internet use as a real psychological disorder.

The question about using the Internet as an escape yeilded more yes answers than any other 30%.