The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64771   Message #1080165
Posted By: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull
26-Dec-03 - 06:59 AM
Thread Name: UK: Barton Sloop session to move again
Subject: RE: UK: Barton Sloop session to move again
And curry chef always put cooryander in my curry!
I tell him loads of times="NO CORryinader"
they fuking thick, thats why!

And did you ever see "staff Curry?
its just a load of fuicking bones!,
no wonder they all skinny!
is, staff curry my arse, no way i eating thsat, not fill me up,
just all chikn bones, !
no wonder tyey skinny, they dont drink bears, they dont eat fat food,
all skinny thats why!

did tyou eber see any fat curry chef, no they all skinny, thats why!