The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65566 Message #1080959
Posted By: Roberto
28-Dec-03 - 12:06 PM
Thread Name: two verses in Dowie Dens O Yarrow (Janet Russell)
Subject: Lyr Add: DOWIE DENS OF YARROW (from Janet Russell
Could somebody please check and correct this transcription of The Dowie Dens Of Yarrow as sung by Janet Russell on Fyre & Sworde? I can't undertsand the name of the hill the ploughboy lad frae Yarrow is going up. Thank you. Roberto
In Thurrow town there lived a maid Ye scarce could find her marrow And she's forsook nine noble men For a ploughboy lad frae Yarrow
Her faither he got word o' that And he's bred a' her sorrow He sent him forth to fight wi' nine On the dowie dens o' Yarrow
She's washed his face and she's kaimed his hair As she's aft done before-O And she's made him look a knight sae fine To fecht for her on Yarrow
Stay here, stay here, my bonnie lad And bide wi' me the morrow For my cruel brothers will ye betray On the dowie dens o' Yarrow
As he gaed up by T... (?) Hill And doon the braes o' Yarrow 'T was there in a den were nine armed men Come to fecht wi' him on Yarrow
Did ye come here tae drink the wine? Did ye come here tae borrow? Or did ye come tae wield yer brand On the dowie dens o' Yarrow?
I am not come tae drink the wine Nor yet to beg or borrow But I am come tae wield my brand On the dowie dens o' Yarrow!
If I see you all, you are nine men That's an unfair marrow But I will fecht while last my breath On the dowie dens o' Yarrow
And three he slew and three they flew And three he's wounded sairly Till her brither John stood up behind And ran his body thorough
O mither, I hae dream'd a dream A dream o' dule and sorrow I dream'd that I pu'd heather bells On the dowie dens o' Yarrow
O dochter I hae read your dream I doubt it will prove sorrow For your ain true love is pale and wan On the dowie dens o' Yarrow
As she gaed up yon high high hill And doon the houms o' Yarrow 'T was there she saw her ain true love Lying pale and wan on Yarrow
She's washed him in a clear well-strand She's dried him wi' the hollan And aye she sighed, alas she cried - For my love I had him chosen
Her hair it being three quarters lang The colour it being yellow She's tied it roond his middle sae small And she's bore him doon tae Yarrow
O hold your tongue, my daughter dear And talk no more of sorrow I'll wed you soon on a better match Than the ploughboy lad frae Yarrow
O faither, ye hae siven sons Ye may wed them a' tomorrow Ye may wed your sons, but ye'll ne'er wed The bonny lass of Thurrow