The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65566 Message #1081079
Posted By: Roberto
28-Dec-03 - 04:03 PM
Thread Name: two verses in Dowie Dens O Yarrow (Janet Russell)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: janet russell's dowie dens of yarrow
The booklet of the CD says the text Janet Russell sings was given to her by Sandra Kerr. The town of Thurrow is not identified. In other versions (Child J, for instance) there is a Thorro. No other version that I know mentions the name of the hill. It was a high, high hill, and that is all. I hope some Mudcatter has this CD and the time and will to find out the name of the hill and tell me about that. As for Janet Russell, I've never had the pleasure to see her, but I have always liked very much her recordings, although I swear, Joe, I'll avoid to "fecht for her on Yarrow" against you. Roberto