The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64692   Message #1081692
Posted By: DougR
29-Dec-03 - 02:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Saddams Fortune
Subject: RE: BS: Saddams Fortune
Okie dokie. I have read the letter. It appears to me to be nothing more than a re-hash of criticisms you hear Democrats raving about the Bush administration every day! The money went to American companies to help build the infrastructure of Iraq. So what's wrong with that? Would you rather it have gone to French, Russian, or German complanies to do the same work? American taxpayers, for the most part, are financing the war in Iraq. Why shouldn't the work go to American companies? Even the Congressman admits much of the money has been spent on things that benefit the Iraqi people directly.

I think you folks are reading far too much in this letter. The Congressman reflects your views so you think it's a great letter filled with new news. Don't you read newspapers? I don't think the Congressman revealed on thing in the letter that hadn't been widely reported in the press, radio and TV (Even CNN and MSNBC!)
