The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65549   Message #1082480
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
30-Dec-03 - 12:58 PM
Thread Name: joe pass, why is he the greatest guitarist
Subject: RE: joe pass, why is he the greatest
Thanks, Frank: I checked and they have 91 listings for Joe Pass... The first one is an album originally released in the 70's of just him and his guitar... probably the one you referred to. I listened to three cuts from the album and see he's not to my taste. Funny thing is, all three songs are well known, and yet unless I listened carefully, I didn't even recognize the tune. I Like To Recognize The Tune, as the song says. Pass is brilliant, technically but to my ears he subscribes to the school that more is less. I've never been impressed that much with technical virtuosity. I want feeling, not technique, and in the short samples I heard I hear technique.

Now someone else may hear something that moves them, beyond technique and rapid fire runs of notes. I just hear more notes than necessary for my old ears..
