The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65686   Message #1083825
Posted By: kendall
01-Jan-04 - 09:11 AM
Thread Name: musical snobbery
Subject: RE: musical snobbery
I went to a session last night. A party actually, and the host's teen son was playing a banjo. He keeps playing the same tune over and over ad nauseum. He has played it for at least the last three years, always way too fast and badly. His timing is non existent so it's impossible to play with him, and he had a cold, was sneezing and coughing all over the room.
Was that bad enough? well, yes, but there was more. He decided he could play the mandolin too.
I left before midnight, rang in the new year on the road home.

He's a good boy, but clueless. I always thought you should practice in private and play in public. Not this one, like many fiddlers and banjo pickers, he goes into an altered state and is the only person on earth.
I don't go to many "sessions". Does this make me a snob?