The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65686   Message #1084235
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
01-Jan-04 - 07:31 PM
Thread Name: musical snobbery
Subject: RE: musical snobbery
The Mudcat is a lot easier on the eyes than that site Harry linked us to. Much easier to read it and get around it.
"Irtrad" - that's a new one on me. Never heard it, and I'll certainly never say it. Sounds like a variant on Irn-Bru, that Scottish reprisal to Coca Cola.
I'm all for proliferation of music, and specialist venues and sessions can be an important part of that - but no time for people who see this as an occasion for hostility to those who approach things differently from themselves.
And no, I can't see Martin Carthy going "Because you're not good enough, is why!" He'd see it as important to deal with it in a way that would send the fella away resolved to practice until he was good enough, not humiliated and maybe alienated for good from folk music.