The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13284   Message #108455
Posted By: Roger in Baltimore
25-Aug-99 - 03:02 PM
Thread Name: Traveling with Guitar
Subject: RE: Traveling with Guitar

How far you are willing to go to protect your guitar depends on the value (emotional and financial) of your guitar. Guitar accidents do happen. My last air travel was over two years ago. Then, I was able to get my guitar as carry-on on one flight. But then there were delays on the next flight and a cancellation and suddenly, on my next connection the flight was full and they refused to take my guitar on board. So I stood at the gate watching them take my guitar down to the luggage hold. I didn't cry, but I sure felt like it.

To guarantee the best care, you simply book a seat for your guitar and strap it in. Then you're OK unless the plane crashes (at which point you may be happy just to get out alive). Oops, sorry about that depressing stuff. This is an expensive option.

If you go to you will find amongst the accessories one or two versions of "travel cases". Mark Leaf is the one that comes to mind. These are massive padded things constructed to your guitar's dimensions and designed to ease rough handling, exposure to humidity, and severe temperature changes. The problem with them? Well, it's nothing that a couple of hundred dollars can't handle (they are expensive).

Liam's advice is pretty sound if it's just the money. If it's feelings (you just couldn't bear to lose that guitar), the guitar should stay home.

I recently read an article about traveling with your guitar and they suggested packing the sucker up and shipping it ahead via UPS. You can still insure it, and the idea is that they might be more gentle and the trucks aren't as bad as an airplane luggage hold at 50,000 feet of altitude. I can't evaluate that technique as I have never tried it.

I have had my favorite guitar for almost 35 years. She and I have been through a lot. I bought a second guitar for most of my travels "out of the house" because losing my favorite would break my heart. I suspect I will bring her to the Getaway however, just to show her off to my new friends. Oh, and I'm bringing Marge for the same reason.

Roger in Baltimore