The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65682   Message #1084837
Posted By: Kaleea
02-Jan-04 - 05:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Seeking Shatner Companion for Travel
Subject: RE: BS: Seeking Shatner Companion for Travel
I seem to have aquired a lover who beams in to see, er uh, . . . visit me (always in the dark), &/or leave little gifts for me, and while I do not know his exact identity, I do know that he happens to be of the Borg species He likes me to call him "Borgie Baby!" He is a kinder, gentler Borg of course. He has been asking me to go on a trip with him. Will it be a problem if I bring him along on our community clean up the 'cat journey??
    He says he has always wanted to assim---I mean MEET Cap'n Kirk. OH! & he doesn't wear a red shirt. Just some sort of basic black bodysuit number to show off his muscular form.
    I'm sure that he would be very good company for traveling!