The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65674   Message #1084847
Posted By: Kaleea
02-Jan-04 - 05:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Shatner interview in current Onion
Subject: RE: BS: Shatner interview in current Onion
Uh, Cap'n? Izzat really you? Do you remember when we met that time back on the planet Alpha Centauri VI? And then the time we got together on Ceti Alpha 2, & how we . . . uh, well, er uh, so anyways, I've been trying to catch up with you to send you holograms of the kids! They ask about you all the time! They always remember to never wear those red shirts, too. Only the gold ones. Although it is kind of difficult for all the little Hortas to get them on without arms. Please transmit message c/o the Klingon Embassy on Zirkon V in the 7th quadrant.
                        Mrs. Sockthawratha Khan Tooya Horta
p.s. the hubby says he'd like to get together with you & swap old war stories & talk about the good ol days when you knew his daddy.