The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65686   Message #1084978
Posted By: NicoleC
02-Jan-04 - 08:40 PM
Thread Name: musical snobbery
Subject: RE: musical snobbery
More often than not a new face with maybe some new tunes or songs is more than welcome.

That's what's always said, especially before the session starts, but the actual welcome is anything but. This isn't a particularly long thread, yet dot readers and ear learners have both been peered down the nose at, anecdotes of "you're not good enough" have been empathized with, admissions have been made that regulars think new members are interfering, and of course anyone who dares play a tune that doesn't fit the theme of the session (as defined by the regulars but rarely shared with those that aren't insiders) is a session wrecker or trying to take over.

In short, the stone wall of attitude is: "It's MY session and who the hell are you to have any opinion about the tune selection/key/pace, etc.?!"

And the worst aren't the good players... they're the mediocre ones.