The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65775   Message #1085937
Posted By: Bearheart
04-Jan-04 - 04:02 PM
Thread Name: Thanks to Sorcha
Subject: Thanks to Sorcha

I was looking at an old thread on Fanny Power and found the site you linked to there-- JC's ABC tune finder. I can barely read music and all the other on line ways of getting tunes are even more tedious. I am so grateful for this site-- I was able to print off the musical notation (PDF) for several tunes I want to work on with my new harp and now I can do that. What especially nice is that some versions have chords, some versions cite composers (info not always readily available) and you can occasionally get the tune in morethan one key or time signature. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I generally learn tunes by ear but there's always the risk that I'll miss notes or ornamentation. This way I can listen and have a visual reference...
